

"Semangat Baru Merayakan Ulang Tahun Ke-16 Kompas Muda"

I wrote this article as part of a journalist's assignment in the 16th Anniversary of Kompas Muda committee. The excitement of the event did not only take place in Jakarta, but also on the devices of all participants who attended online.

Website Kompas Muda

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Date : February 2023

Project Type : Editorial



"Farmtastic Cipari"

Beginning with problems in the form of a lack of information about educational tourism and a lack of appreciation of local potential. Therefore, I created StoryMaps that can expand the reach of information and help promote the potential of educational tourism for dairy cows in Cipari Village to attract local and foreign tourists. The StoryMaps facilitate promotion and information about educational tourism and help local and foreign communities and tourists to better understand the tourism potential of the area.


Location : Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

Date : June 2023

Project Type : Geospatial



"Genting (Geospasial Web untuk Stunting)"

"Genting" is structured to provide centralized information to the public regarding the spread of stunting in Tasikmalaya City; analyzing the relationship of sanitation and clean water to the incidence of stunting under five in Tasikmalaya City; provide guidance for local governments in handling stunting in the City of Tasikmalaya by utilizing a Geographic Information System.


Location : Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia

Date : February 2022

Project Type : Geospatial



"Jejak Budaya Situs Purbakala"

The Archaeological Park Museum in Cipari Village, Kuningan Regency, is a valuable but often underappreciated cultural heritage site. To enhance public engagement, I developed StoryMaps featuring narration, captivating visuals, videos, and site information. This approach aims to encourage public interest, making it more accessible and appealing, ultimately fostering visits and cultural appreciation.


Location : Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

Date : June 2023

Project Type : Geospatial


Visual Design

"Kompas Muda News"

This project is a collaborative effort between the design team, photographers, videographers and journalists at Kompas Muda to portray the stories of students involved in the investment world during a pandemic. By combining the power of visuals and news content, we strive to illustrate the important role of investing in a way that is uniquely conveyed by young people.

Website Kompas Muda

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Date : November 2021

Project Type : Editorial

Role : Graphic Designer


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